By: IrisCX • 03 November 2022

Visual Engagement: Customer support's new best practice


What is visual engagement?

Visual engagement refers to personalized, real-time collaboration with customers on channels that feature a dynamic visual element, like live or self-guided video.Adding a dynamic visual element to customer support reduces customer effort and gives support agents enough context to properly address issues.Visual engagement platforms allow agents to personalize the service they provide to their customers, even providing them with an interactive self-serve model.Data insights about customer behavior, satisfaction, and sentiment are derived from every interaction.

How can support agents use visual engagement?

There are three critical moments during the customer journey where visual engagement helps agents provide a better experience.


Customers are often overwhelmed with options and might suffer from choice paralysis or choose a product that isn’t the right fit for them. This stage is often left to partners and resellers, who don’t have an investment in the success of the brands they’re representing.Offering consultations over video gives sales teams a direct line to their customer during this critical moment in their buying journey. They can make sure the product fits their customer needs, offer incentives, and reduce the risk of cart abandonment or returns.


Although products are getting more complex, most consumers are willing to do the setup themselves if they have a guide to follow. However, if the setup of your products is in the hands of other customers on YouTube or Quora, there’s a risk your customers will end up frustrated and return the product.By offering setup over live or self-guided video, service agents can provide more accurate and dynamic guidance, reduce returns, and increase CSAT scores.


Companies often provide support over live chat, phone and email, however this gives no visual context about the issue at hand.With visual engagement, agents can see exactly what the issue is, provide more effective support, and most importantly, capture and use that data to make service better in the future.

Why is visual engagement important?

Visual learners form 65% of all learning types, meaning 2 of 3 consumers prefer visual learning.It’s ironic, then, to think that the most popular forms of customer engagement today are phone support (audio) and live chat (written).Visuals transmit messages faster, and they stick around longer in our memory.And, visual engagement triggers more of an emotional reaction. This opens a door for service agents to build a stronger rapport and leave a lasting impression with their customers.Finally, visual engagement adds a second dimension to the data captured during customer interactions. Phone support and live chat can offer transcripts, but visual engagement provides an audiovisual recording for the agent and customer to reference.

Types of visual engagement

Live video

Live visual engagement refers to real-time video collaboration between service agents and customers. The benefit of this type is that customers can have their questions answered instantly, build rapport quickly, and increase loyalty to the business.

Self-guided video

Also known as self-service, self-guided visual engagement refers to a dynamic visual knowledge base that customers can access 24/7. They will be directed to a suitable guide to resolve their issue, and the company will receive a copy of the video recording and a notification if the customer was not able to resolve the issue.

Screen sharing

Screen sharing allows service agents to share resources with customers over live video, or see what their customer is seeing on their screen and guide them through the resolution process.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) gives service agents the ability to provide more accurate guidance by pointing to or circling objects in the session. Agents can also use AR measurement tools to more accurately quote products and services.

The ROI on visual engagement

Higher Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

The added context from visual engagement allows agents to provide accurate and clear guidance, resulting in faster resolution rates and improved customer experiences.

Reduced Returns/Abandonment

Consulting consumers during their consideration phase de-risks the purchase decision and ensures a better product fit, reducing the likelihood of returns and cart abandonment.

Increased Upsell and Cross-sell Opportunities

With increased awareness of the customer’s needs, comes an increased ability to upsell or cross-sell on relevant products.

Higher First Contact Resolution Rate

Visual clarity offers agents a greater chance to get it right the first time, confirming that the customer has followed instructions effectively and reducing the chance of a callback (and ensuing frustration).

Get started with visual engagement for your business

IrisCX is the world’s best visual engagement platform for home product companies.Our platform allows consumers to either self-assess their issue, schedule a time to talk to a service expert or show a service expert what their concern is to receive help in real-time.With Iris, you can apply the data generated from video sessions to create a more cohesive understanding of your customers and start delivering the service they want to receive.

Our mission is to simplify the homeowners & home builders customer experience. Let Iris do the work.

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